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Newsoverview (25)

Pro Memoria 2022

January 25, 2022
An easy-to-use reference work that will help businesses, institutions and organizations in their accounting practices. The tax rates, premiums and contributions for 2022 have been summarized for your ...

European Commission publishes proposal for a directive to tackle the misuse of shell entities

December 28, 2021
On December 22, 2021 the European Commission published a proposal for a directive aimed at preventing the misuse of shell entities and arrangements for tax purposes.

Report of the Conduit Companies Committee

November 26, 2021
The report contains 15 recommendations, divided into six tax and nine non-tax policy options. At the same time, the Deputy Minister of Finance sent the government’s response to this report to the Lowe ...

CJEU: Member State registration ownership of vessel may levy insurance premium tax

April 19, 2021
This judgment is not only important for the insurance of seagoing vessels, for which an exemption applies in the Netherlands, but also for the insurance of other vessels, which are subject, as startin ...

New policy statement on VAT fixed establishments

January 14, 2021
The policy statement, among other things, lays down the Dutch viewpoint on the concept of a fixed establishment and the VAT treatment of transactions between a head office and a fixed establishment.

Dutch Supreme Court decision on Dutch withholding tax on dividends paid to foreign investment funds

October 26, 2020
The Supreme Court ruled that its earlier judgments from 2013 and 2015 were an incorrect interpretation of EU law and that foreign investment funds should be entitled to a refund of the Dutch dividend ...

New questions to CJEU: towards a broader concept of fixed establishment for VAT purposes?

October 9, 2020
A Romanian Court recently sought a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (‘CJEU”) about the concept of fixed establishment for VAT purposes in the Berlin Chemie case (C-33 ...

Internet consultation on the Introduction of a conditional withholding tax on dividends Act

September 25, 2020
On September 25, 2020 the government launched an internet consultation to give interested parties the opportunity to respond to the draft bill to introduce a conditional withholding tax on dividends a ...

Postponement of the e-commerce EU VAT package to 1 July 2021 confirmed.

July 23, 2020
The postponement of the effective date of the e-commerce EU VAT package to 1 July 2021 has been confirmed by the Council of the EU on 22 July 2020. E-commerce businesses will need to get their data, s ...

Court: entitlement to 4% interest on refunds of VAT levied contrary to EU law

June 25, 2020
The District Court ruled that the phrase ‘taxes levied contrary to EU law’ should be interpreted neutrally. No conditions were imposed as to the reason for or cause of the undue payment. According to ...

Withholding tax on dividends to low tax jurisdictions as of 2024

June 2, 2020
The measure will apply to cash flows to countries with a profit tax rate of less than 9% and to countries appearing on the EU blacklist, even if the Netherlands has a tax treaty with these countries. ...

Building Blocks for a Better Tax System

May 20, 2020
On May 18, 2020 the ‘Building Blocks for a Better Tax System’ package was published. The reports, which together contain more than 1000 pages of text, have resulted in 169 detailed policy options on a ...

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