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Newsoverview (19)

Investments in real estate and the Dutch Financial Supervision Act

September 28, 2021
For many years real estate has been an important asset class for investors. We regularly approached advise and assist clients with the (financial) structuring of investments in real estate. Tax is oft ...

SFDR applicable to AIFM 'light' funds

September 1, 2021
The European Commission has confirmed that fund managers whom are registered managers with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten, "AFM") on the basis of th ...

Expansion and further easing of deferral of payment for businesses

April 3, 2020
Besides VAT, personal income tax, payroll tax and corporate income tax, the temporary deferral policy now applies to tax on games of chance, insurance premium tax, the landlord levy (verhuurderheffing ...

Bill on the introduction of a UBO register

April 9, 2019
Legal persons and other legal entities will soon be obliged to register their ultimate beneficial owners. On April 4, 2019 the bill ‘Implementation registration of ultimate beneficial owners of compan ...

Bill on the Modernization of Partnerships: third time lucky?

March 14, 2019
The consultation document on the bill on the Modernization of Partnerships (‘Bill') was published on February 21, 2019. The current legislation on partnerships dates from the 19th century an ...

Draft bill on transparency of civil society organizations: foundations and associations must publish donations and financial data

January 11, 2019
On December 21, 2018, the Minister for Legal Protection published the draft bill on the Civil Society Organizations Transparency Act. The proposal provides for, on the one hand, insight into cash flow ...

Bill on implementation of UBO register presented for public consultation

April 4, 2017
On March 31, 2017 the draft bill on the Registration of Ultimate Beneficial Owners Implementation Act (hereinafter: the bill) was presented for public consultation. 

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