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2023 Guidelines on Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6) published

May 9, 2023
The updated Guidelines include several substantive changes compared to the earlier version.

Changes to VBI regime, abolition of open limited partnership and revision of qualification policy postponed for one year

May 9, 2023
In light of the responses to the internet consultations, the government intends to have the measures take effect as of January 1, 2025.

Tax changes announced in the 2023 Spring Memorandum

May 4, 2023
In particular, property owners, businesses faced with business successions and Box 3 investors will experience the effect of these plans.

Internet consultation on abolition of real estate FBI, amendment of VBI regime and change in definition of mutual fund

March 13, 2023
The draft bill contains accompanying measures to avoid the (immediate) levying of corporate income tax, personal income tax and real estate transfer tax.

Pro Memoria 2023

January 26, 2023
An easy-to-use reference work that will help businesses, institutions and organizations in their accounting practices. The tax rates, premiums and contributions for 2023 have been summarized for your ...

Clarification of anti-transfer pricing mismatch rule in the case of capital contributions

January 24, 2023
On January 24, 2023 Deputy Minister of Finance Mr. Van Rij clarified in a policy statement the scope of one of the measures to combat transfer pricing mismatches.

Inflation and its impact on your transfer pricing

December 19, 2022
In many industries, rising prices are leading to reduced margins. How does that impact transfer pricing? This question is especially relevant if your company’s transfer pricing model is based on guara ...

Real estate fiscal investment institution to be abolished and changes to regimes for exempt investment institutions and mutual funds

December 15, 2022
The new rules primarily affect institutional investors, (listed) real estate funds and high-net-worth families.

New referral to the CJEU – Net taxation – Taxation of dividend income received by a non-resident insurance company

December 14, 2022
On December 14, 2022 the Court of Appeals in ‘s-Hertogenbosch asked the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) for a preliminary ruling in a case dealing with net taxation.

CJEU annuls Commission decision on Luxembourg transfer pricing ruling

November 14, 2022
The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union brings key clarifications with regard to the choice of a reference system in transfer pricing State aid reviews.

Letter sent to Lower House of Parliament summarizing internet consultation and setting out follow-up process to strengthen combating of dividend stripping

July 19, 2022
In practice, large amounts in dividend tax are avoided via various forms of dividend stripping, which the Dutch tax authorities cannot properly combat with the legal instruments currently available to ...

2022 Decree on Profit Attribution to Permanent Establishments

July 11, 2022
The most important changes are the incorporation of the results of the OECD’s BEPS project and the source exemption that was introduced into the Corporate Income Tax Act 1969 in 2012.

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