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Newsoverview (68)

Internet consultation on the Introduction of a conditional withholding tax on dividends Act

September 25, 2020
On September 25, 2020 the government launched an internet consultation to give interested parties the opportunity to respond to the draft bill to introduce a conditional withholding tax on dividends a ...

Budget Day 2020: changes to payroll taxes

September 17, 2020
In our memorandum we address the most significant changes proposed for payroll taxes and social security contributions.

Tax measures for 2021

September 16, 2020
The main features of the 2021 Tax Plan package are addressed in our memorandum

The 2021 Tax Plan on two pages

September 16, 2020
We have prepared a two-page overview of the measures contained in the 2021 Tax Plan package.

Failure to comply with reporting obligation for international postings fineable in the future

September 3, 2020
The Inspectorate SZW did enforce the reporting obligation during the first six months but did not impose any penalties. This trial period ended on September 1, 2020 and thus the freedom to voluntarily ...

Private member’s bill on conditional final settlement of dividend withholding tax presented to Lower House

July 13, 2020
The private member’s bill concerns cross-border reorganizations by companies (head offices) resident in the Netherlands that are members of a group as referred to in Section 24b of the Dutch Civil Cod ...

The Netherlands: gradual lifting of travel ban for non-EU citizens as of July 1, 2020 (COVID-19)

July 2, 2020
As of July 1, 2020 the Netherlands will no longer maintain the travel ban for citizens of the following 14 countries: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwan ...

Guidelines on Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6) published

July 1, 2020
During the parliamentary debates on the Dutch implementation of the Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6) it was acknowledged that, in practice, it can be difficult to determine whether or not a certain a ...

Postponement of deadline for notifications under the Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6)

June 29, 2020
Recently, agreement was reached at the EU level on postponing by six months the deadline(s) for notifying reportable cross-border arrangements to the Dutch tax authorities under the Mandatory Disclosu ...

COVID-19 measures: Schengen area on lockdown for non-EU residents

June 15, 2020
On March 17, 2020, the EU heads of government decided that travelers from outside the European Union will no longer be allowed to enter the Schengen area, unless it is absolutely necessary for them to ...

Withholding tax on dividends to low tax jurisdictions as of 2024

June 2, 2020
The measure will apply to cash flows to countries with a profit tax rate of less than 9% and to countries appearing on the EU blacklist, even if the Netherlands has a tax treaty with these countries. ...

Expansion of group approach in the NOW and easing of several other measures

April 24, 2020
By letter dated April 22, 2020 the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment announced an important expansion of the group approach in the NOW. We discuss this expansion briefly. We also discuss the a ...

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