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Newsoverview (8)

Deputy Minister responds to parliamentary questions regarding bill on the Minimum Profit Tax Act 2024 (Pillar 2)

September 13, 2023
The memorandum in response to the report provides answers to many questions, but there are still many points that need further elaboration, especially at the OECD level.

Tax Controversy & Amount B: more uncertainty?

September 5, 2023
What is the potential impact on your organization in terms of Tax Controversy and Tax Dispute management if in January 2024 other prices for baseline marketing and distribution activities were to fall ...

The new Netherlands-Belgium tax treaty

June 27, 2023
The new treaty will apply at the earliest from January 1, 2024 (but probably only from January 1, 2025). We have summarized some important aspects of the new treaty.

2023 Guidelines on Mandatory Disclosure Rules (DAC6) published

May 9, 2023
The updated Guidelines include several substantive changes compared to the earlier version.

Legal protection under Pillar II - or more to the point: the absence of it

February 14, 2023
As of 2024, the Pillar 2 rules will become a reality within the EU and other jurisdictions worldwide. Under Pillar 2, the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules ensure that large multinational enterpr ...

Aldo Mariani appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

November 14, 2022
Aldo Mariani has been appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

New Dutch Transfer Pricing Decree

July 1, 2022
The new Dutch Transfer Pricing Decree was published on July 1, 2022.  The new decree focuses on recent developments that have resulted in changes to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines but also ...

Updated Decree on Mutual Agreement Procedures

June 24, 2020
The Decree provides, from a Dutch perspective, a detailed explanation and interpretation of the implementation of mutual agreement procedures (MAP’s) as regulated in the Tax Dispute Resolution Mechani ...

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