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Newsoverview (74)

Expansion and further easing of deferral of payment for businesses

April 3, 2020
Besides VAT, personal income tax, payroll tax and corporate income tax, the temporary deferral policy now applies to tax on games of chance, insurance premium tax, the landlord levy (verhuurderheffing ...

Customs measures in response to COVID-19

March 26, 2020
The Dutch Customs Authorities announced a package of measures to support companies that are affected by the corona crisis. These measures are intended to support those that are temporarily facing diff ...

Further easing of deferral of payment for businesses during the corona crisis

March 20, 2020
On March 19, 2020 the Deputy Minister of Finance, Hans Vijlbrief, informed the Lower House that every business that is faced with financial difficulties as a result of the corona crisis will be eligib ...

Additional corona crisis measures by the government (emergency package covering jobs and the economy)

March 18, 2020
With the passage of time, the corona pandemic is having an increasingly dramatic effect on the Dutch business community. The measures announced by the government on March 12, 2020 proved to be inadequ ...

eRecognition mandatory for businesses filing their own tax returns

January 21, 2020
If you file your own payroll tax or corporate income tax returns via the portal of the Dutch tax authorities, we recommend that you apply for eRecognition (eHerkenning) in good time. It appears from t ...

Dutch Customs to increase audits / checks on customs valuation and e-commerce and on the classification of certain goods originating from the United States

December 19, 2019
On December 17, 2019, Dutch Customs announced that in the coming months more audits / checks will be carried out with regard to the customs value and classification of goods (the commodity code). Spec ...

Upper House adopts 2020 Tax Plan package and bills on ATAD2 and DAC6

December 18, 2019
Along with the adoption of the 2020 Tax Plan package and the bills on the implementation of ATAD2 and DAC6, the Upper House also adopted several motions.

Dutch Customs grants postponement to exporters not established in the Union

November 19, 2019
Who can act as an exporter? This question has been causing considerable commotion in the Union for some time now. 

EU-Singapore trade deal to take effect this month

November 13, 2019
On November 8, 2019 the EU Council approved the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA), which will enter into force on November 21, 2019. 

Brexit Update: EU grants delay until January 31, 2020

October 31, 2019
After a long period of silence, there has been a rapid succession of Brexit developments. Our Brexit taskforce, comprising Brexit specialists from KPMG Meijburg & Co and KPMG, would like to update ...

Tax measures for 2020

September 18, 2019
On Budget Day, September 17, 2019, the government presented the 2020 Tax Plan package to the Lower House.

EU and Mercosur concluded on trade agreement

July 12, 2019
After 20 years of negotiations, the European Union and Mercosur states - Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, on June 28, 2019 reached a political agreement for an ambitious, balanced and comprehe ...

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