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Newsoverview (130)

NOW scheme amended for third time (first installment: NOW for the period through to June 1, 2020

May 25, 2020
By letter to the Lower House of Parliament dated May 20, 2020, the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment announced that the Temporary emergency bridging measure to retain jobs (Tijdelijke noodmaat ...

Building Blocks for a Better Tax System

May 20, 2020
On May 18, 2020 the ‘Building Blocks for a Better Tax System’ package was published. The reports, which together contain more than 1000 pages of text, have resulted in 169 detailed policy options on a ...

Second update of policy statement on corona crisis tax measures

May 8, 2020
The previous updated policy statement has now been replaced by the policy statement of May 6, 2020, in which the approvals in the previous policy statement are supplemented with new approvals, includi ...

Updated policy statement on corona crisis tax measures, including with regard to deferral of payment

April 29, 2020
By policy statement dated April 14, 2020 the Deputy Minister of Finance announced a number of specific approvals as a result of the corona crisis. That policy statement has now been replaced by the po ...

Expansion of group approach in the NOW and easing of several other measures

April 24, 2020
By letter dated April 22, 2020 the Minister of Social Affairs and Employment announced an important expansion of the group approach in the NOW. We discuss this expansion briefly. We also discuss the a ...

Additional tax measures related to corona crisis announced

April 24, 2020
The government is introducing additional tax measures as a result of the corona crisis. By letter dated April 24, 2020 sent to the Lower House of Parliament, the Deputy Minister of Finance announced s ...

Deputy Minister releases policy statement with corona crisis tax measures

April 17, 2020
By letter dated April 14, 2020 sent to the Lower House of Parliament, the Deputy Minister of Finance released a policy statement that further elaborates on the emergency tax measures by means of the g ...

Summary of report by the Advisory Committee on the Taxation of Multinationals

April 15, 2020
The Committee was asked to advise on measures to make the taxation of the profits of multinationals fairer, while at the same time ensuring that the Netherlands remains attractive for Dutch head offic ...

Expansion and further easing of deferral of payment for businesses

April 3, 2020
Besides VAT, personal income tax, payroll tax and corporate income tax, the temporary deferral policy now applies to tax on games of chance, insurance premium tax, the landlord levy (verhuurderheffing ...

Further easing of deferral of payment for businesses during the corona crisis

March 20, 2020
On March 19, 2020 the Deputy Minister of Finance, Hans Vijlbrief, informed the Lower House that every business that is faced with financial difficulties as a result of the corona crisis will be eligib ...

Additional corona crisis measures by the government (emergency package covering jobs and the economy)

March 18, 2020
With the passage of time, the corona pandemic is having an increasingly dramatic effect on the Dutch business community. The measures announced by the government on March 12, 2020 proved to be inadequ ...

Tax and economic measures relating to the coronavirus

March 13, 2020
The corona pandemic will also have a profound impact on the Dutch business community. The financial and economic consequences may also be considerable. By letter dated March 12, 2020 the government th ...

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