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Newsoverview (19)

Are you losing money because of Tax Equalization? – Tax Technology offers you insight!

November 13, 2019
A common agreement in the world of cross-border employment is the ‘tax equalization agreement’ between an employer and employee. Under this agreement, an employee does not pay more or less tax during ...

FS Tax Newsletter | June 2020

November 7, 2019
In this edition of the FS Tax Newsletter we address two developments initiated by the Dutch tax authorities: the further development of horizontal monitoring and the cancellation of rulings confirming ...

FS Tax Newsletter | November 2019

November 7, 2019
In this edition we highlight the key aspects of the 2020 Tax Plan. We also focus on three important CJEU cases concerning the VAT payable on assignment of a debt recognized in enforcement proceedings, ...

Expo Real and 2020 Tax Plan – the latest tax developments for property investors

October 3, 2019
From 7 to 9 the international trade fair for real estate and property investors, Expo Real, will take place in Munich. This year a Meijburg delegation will again be present to discuss the latest devel ...

Budget Day 2019: changes to payroll taxes

September 20, 2019
On Budget Day, September 17, 2019, the Cabinet presented the 2020 Tax Plan package to the Lower House. In this memorandum we address the most significant changes proposed for payroll taxes and social ...

Tax measures for 2020

September 18, 2019
On Budget Day, September 17, 2019, the government presented the 2020 Tax Plan package to the Lower House.

Video: technology in tax departments

July 4, 2019
Learn how KPMG Meijburg & Co uses technology in favour of her clients.

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