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Newsoverview (32)

Transitional rules for 30% ruling also apply to adjustment with retroactive effect

April 24, 2024
Even if the 30% ruling is applied with retroactive effect in the payroll records in 2022 or 2023, employees will still fall under the transitional rules. This was announced by the Dutch tax authoritie ...

Motion adopted to propose new legislation on Management Equity Plans

April 12, 2024
The Lower House of the Dutch Parliament has adopted a motion asking the government to propose new legislation with regard to what they call “carried interest”. Specifically, the government was asked t ...

New decree on the allocation of severance payments in an international context

February 8, 2024
On December 15, 2023 the Ministry of Finance published a new decree on the allocation of taxing rights in respect of severance payments in an international context. The decree took effect on January 1 ...

More inspections by immigration authorities

February 2, 2024
The vast majority of work-based residence permits issued in the Netherlands every year are for the purpose of employment as a highly skilled migrant or intra-company transferee. To employ these highly ...

Employee incentive trends – SAR plan’s: your incentive plan for 2024

December 18, 2023
Rewarding employees is more than just compensation for performance. It is an incentive to increase motivation and engagement. Remuneration should therefore be seen as a strategic tool to attract and r ...

Prospect of more opportunities for international transfers of accrued Dutch pension capital

December 14, 2023
The Netherlands is unjustifiably restricting the free movement of workers by imposing specific conditions on the international transfer of accrued pension capital. This is the verdict of the Court of ...

30% ruling scaled back even further

October 27, 2023
As of 1 January 2024, the 30% ruling for highly-skilled employees recruited from abroad will be scaled back even further if the Upper House of Parliament also adopts the bill.

Lower House of Parliament adopts various amendments and motions during vote on 2024 Tax Plan package

October 27, 2023
On the day the Lower House went into recess for the upcoming elections, the Members of Parliament made significant changes to the 2024 Tax Plan.

Do you know where your employees live and work?

September 27, 2023
An obvious question, but a very important one for tax and social security purposes. The Dutch Supreme Court has ruled that ‘good employment practices’ obliges employers to, in certain circumstances, i ...

Budget Day 2023: changes to payroll taxes and labor market developments

September 20, 2023
In our memorandum we address the most significant changes proposed for payroll tax and social security contributions.

Tax measures for 2024

September 19, 2023
The main features of the proposed measures are addressed in our memorandum. We have also prepared a two-page overview of the measures.

The 2024 Tax Plan on two pages

September 19, 2023
We have prepared a two-page overview of the measures contained in the 2024 Tax Plan package.

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