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Newsoverview (75)

Draft bill on transparency of civil society organizations: foundations and associations must publish donations and financial data

January 11, 2019
On December 21, 2018, the Minister for Legal Protection published the draft bill on the Civil Society Organizations Transparency Act. The proposal provides for, on the one hand, insight into cash flow ...

Brexit: INS announces transitional rules for right of residence of UK citizens in the Netherlands

January 8, 2019
‘No-deal scheme’ The government has decided that UK citizens and their family members who lawfully reside in the Netherlands before Brexit will also retain their right of residence in the event of ...

Bill on implementation of UBO register presented for public consultation

April 4, 2017
On March 31, 2017 the draft bill on the Registration of Ultimate Beneficial Owners Implementation Act (hereinafter: the bill) was presented for public consultation. 

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