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Newsoverview (104)

Good Practices Tax Risk Management

December 17, 2021
Praktijkvoorbeelden om een globaal beeld te geven van hoe een organisatie kan omgaan met verschillende elementen van het Tax Control Framework (TCF).

Tax aspects of 2021 coalition agreement

December 16, 2021
We briefly address what is currently known about the intended tax measures.

Private member’s bill on conditional final settlement of dividend withholding tax radically amended

December 8, 2021
Although the essence of the bill has remained the same, the 4th Memorandum of Amendment contains several essential changes to the scope and the tax methodology.

Supreme Court renders judgment on the standard practice criterion in the work related costs rules

November 15, 2021
On November 12, 2021 the Supreme Court rendered judgment in the proceedings initiated by KPMG Meijburg & Co concerning whether net share bonuses can qualify as part of the final levy for the purpo ...

2022 Tax Plan package amended again via Memorandums of Amendment

October 18, 2021
The proposals include raising the top corporate income tax rate to 25.8% and tightening the generic interest deduction limitation by reducing the deduction percentage from 30% to 20% of the EBITDA for ...

Budget Day 2021: changes to payroll taxes

September 23, 2021
In our memorandum we address the most significant changes proposed for payroll taxes and social security contributions.

Tax measures for 2022

September 21, 2021
The main features of the proposed measures are addressed in our memorandum. We have also prepared a two-page overview of the measures.

The 2022 Tax Plan on two pages

September 21, 2021
We have prepared a two-page overview of the measures contained in the 2022 Tax Plan package.

Relief and recovery package fourth quarter 2021

August 31, 2021
By letter to the Lower House of Parliament dated August 30, 2021 the caretaker government announced that as of October 1, 2021 the generic relief and recovery package would largely end.

Internet consultation on dividend stripping

June 7, 2021
In practice, substantial (albeit not easily quantifiable) amounts in dividend tax are avoided via various forms of dividend stripping, which the Dutch tax authorities cannot properly combat with the c ...

Changes to corporate income tax loss set-off as of January 1, 2022, BIK withdrawn

June 1, 2021
On Friday, May 28, 2021 the caretaker government announced that the changes to the corporate income tax loss set-off can take effect as of January 1, 2022. It was also announced that the Job related I ...

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