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Newsoverview (137)

Internet consultation on taxpayer status measure for reverse hybrid entities

March 5, 2021
On March 4, 2021 the Deputy Minister of Finance launched, among other things, a public internet consultation on the taxpayer status measure for ‘reverse hybrid entities’ and several related accompanyi ...

Mismatches in non-arm’s length transfer pricing tackled

March 5, 2021
On March 4, 2021 a public internet consultation was launched on a bill to combat mismatches when applying the arm’s length principle. The bill focuses on informal capital arrangements.

Expansion of corona support in connection with extension of lockdown (January 2021)

January 22, 2021
On January 21, 2021 in a letter sent to the Lower House of Parliament the government announced that the current relief and recovery package for the economy and labor market would again be expanded.

Relief and recovery package for the economy and labor market reappraised

December 14, 2020
In a letter sent to the Lower House of Parliament on December 9, 2020 the government announced that the existing relief and recovery package for the economy and labor market  – which was announce ...

Lower House of Parliament adopts 2021 Tax Plan package and bill on the Liquidation and Cessation Loss Schemes Limitation Act

November 13, 2020
We have briefly outlined the adopted tax amendments and a selection of the adopted motions.

Second amendment to private member’s bill on conditional final settlement of dividend withholding tax

October 12, 2020
On October 9, 2020 Lower House MP Bart Snels (of the GroenLinks parliamentary party) once again amended his private member’s bill on the ‘Conditional Final Settlement of Dividend Withholding Tax Emerg ...

Legislative proposals on tightening CIT loss set-off and on Job-related Investment Allowance presented to Lower House

October 6, 2020
On October 5, 2020 the government presented two Memorandums of Amendment to the bill on the 2021 Tax Plan to the Lower House of Parliament. These memorandums had been announced on Budget Day.

Internet consultation on the Introduction of a conditional withholding tax on dividends Act

September 25, 2020
On September 25, 2020 the government launched an internet consultation to give interested parties the opportunity to respond to the draft bill to introduce a conditional withholding tax on dividends a ...

Tax measures for 2021

September 16, 2020
The main features of the 2021 Tax Plan package are addressed in our memorandum

The 2021 Tax Plan on two pages

September 16, 2020
We have prepared a two-page overview of the measures contained in the 2021 Tax Plan package.

Relief and recovery package for the economy and labor market (Emergency package 3.0)

September 2, 2020
On August 28, 2020 by letter to the Lower House of Parliament, the government presented a relief and recovery package for businesses and workers, which follows on from the two previous emergency packa ...

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