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DED memorandum 2022

January 3, 2023
Download our Memorandum including a flowchart to determine whether a DED adjustment is necessary.     

Upper House adopts 2023 Tax Plan package and other tax bills

December 21, 2022
On December 20, 2022 the Upper House of Parliament adopted the 2023 Tax Plan package, various other tax bills and seven tax motions. We have prepared a summary about this.

Court of Justice of the European Union gives strict interpretation of VAT invoicing requirements for simplified triangular transactions

December 13, 2022
Because this judgment may have significant practical implications, we discuss the CJEU judgment and its practical impact in more detail.

VAT in the Digital Age proposal issued to modernize the EU VAT system

December 9, 2022
The proposal from the European Commission covers three issues: (1) Digital Reporting Requirements (2) the VAT treatment of the platform economy and (3) changes to e-commerce rules and a ‘single VAT re ...

Court of Justice of the European Union rules on financial integration in a German VAT group

December 8, 2022
The judgments rendered by the CJEU in these cases raise the question whether the Dutch Supreme Court’s interpretation of financial integration is compatible with EU law.

Aldo Mariani appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

November 14, 2022
Aldo Mariani has been appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

Supreme Court: conversion of former wool factory into shopping mall results in ‘essentially a new building’ for VAT purposes

November 14, 2022
In its judgment, the Supreme Court reconfirmed that it is decisive whether or not the building has undergone structural construction alterations.

Dutch Supreme Court persists with strict interpretation of actual use for VAT recovery right purposes

November 11, 2022
This case is not only relevant for financial institutions, but also for other taxpayers performing VAT-taxed and VAT-exempt services.

Supreme Court answers questions about concept of ‘essentially a new building’ for VAT purposes

November 4, 2022
The preliminary ruling shows that, for ‘essentially a new building’ to have been created, there must have been alterations to the structural construction as a minimum.

CESOP: as of 2024 cross-border payments must be reported for VAT purposes; bill presented to Lower House of Parliament

October 26, 2022
Virtually all of the EU rules on this have become an integral part of the bill that was presented to the Lower House of Parliament on October 24, 2022.

The 2023 Tax Plan on two pages

September 20, 2022
We have prepared a two-page overview of the measures contained in the 2023 Tax Plan package.

Tax measures for 2023

September 20, 2022
The main features of the proposed measures are addressed in our memorandum. We have also prepared a two-page overview of the measures.

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