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Newsoverview (47)

‘The Bitter and the Sweet’ - Short term Brexit impacts in the Netherlands

February 26, 2019
Brexit is not far away anymore. Robert van der Jagt, Brexit expert and partner of KPMG Meijburg & Co: “Being blessed by the presence of an Environment Assessment Agency (Planbureau voor de Leefomg ...

Dutch Lower House of Parliament passes Bill on ratification of the MLI

February 13, 2019
On February 12, 2019 the Dutch Lower House of Parliament passed the Bill for the ratification of the Multilateral Convention (“MLI”) to Implement Tax Treaty-Related Measures to Prevent Base ...

Brexit: a never ending story?

January 14, 2019
Tuesday, 15th of January will be a crucial day in what seems to become a never ending story regarding the Brexit. Leon Kanters, Brexit expert and partner of KPMG Meijburg & Co: “The Brexit deal wi ...

Brexit: INS announces transitional rules for right of residence of UK citizens in the Netherlands

January 8, 2019
‘No-deal scheme’ The government has decided that UK citizens and their family members who lawfully reside in the Netherlands before Brexit will also retain their right of residence in the event of ...

Zero VAT rate for seagoing vessels changed as of January 1, 2019: additional rules published

November 26, 2018
The change to the zero VAT rate for the delivery and provisioning of seagoing vessels and the performance of services to seagoing vessels had already been announced in the 2018 Tax Plan and was origin ...

Internet consultation on tax treaty policy and designation of low-taxed states

September 26, 2018
On September 25, 2018 the government launched an internet consultation, giving interested parties the opportunity to raise issues that are important to them relating to i) Dutch tax treaty policy and ...

Tax measures for 2019

September 19, 2018
On Budget Day, September 18, 2018, the government presented the 2019 Tax Plan to the Lower House.

Facilitated Customs Arrangement: Does it work and at what price?

June 27, 2018
On July 12, 2018 UK Prime Minister Theresa May has published the long awaited Brexit White Paper. It is a comprehensive and ambitious plan which aims on the one hand to preserve a frictionless trade b ...

Global sanctions developments

June 27, 2017
There have been recent developments on the US sanctions against Cuba, Russia and Iran. In addition, various Arab nations recently imposed a boycott on Qatar. Please find set out below an update.

Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting signed by the Netherlands and other countries

June 9, 2017
On June 7, 2017, the Dutch Minister of Finance Dijsselbloem and other high-level representatives of 67 countries representing 68 jurisdictions signed the Multilateral Convention (“Multilater ...

Brexit update 1

April 4, 2017
On 29 March 2017, the United Kingdom’s (hereinafter: UK) Prime Minister, Theresa May, invoked Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union (hereinafter: TEU). This marks the official beginning of th ...

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