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2022 Tax Plan package amended again via Memorandums of Amendment

October 18, 2021
The proposals include raising the top corporate income tax rate to 25.8% and tightening the generic interest deduction limitation by reducing the deduction percentage from 30% to 20% of the EBITDA for ...

2022 Tax Plan package amended via Memorandums of Amendment

October 6, 2021
Among other things, the possibilities for setting off holding company losses have been limited and the permanent establishment concept has been expanded for the purposes of withholding tax on interest ...

Budget Day 2021: changes to payroll taxes

September 23, 2021
In our memorandum we address the most significant changes proposed for payroll taxes and social security contributions.

Tax measures for 2022

September 21, 2021
The main features of the proposed measures are addressed in our memorandum. We have also prepared a two-page overview of the measures.

The 2022 Tax Plan on two pages

September 21, 2021
We have prepared a two-page overview of the measures contained in the 2022 Tax Plan package.

FS Tax Newsletter | August 2020

August 14, 2020
In this edition of the FS Tax newsletter we discuss two important judgments by the Court of Justice of the European Union in VAT cases: firstly, in the A Oy case, the Court established that co-lo ...

New preliminary ruling question about the ‘fixed establishment’ concept for VAT purposes

April 1, 2020
On December 20, 2019 the Austrian Bundesfinanzgericht asked the Court of Justice of the European Union for a preliminary ruling on the concept of a ‘fixed establishment’ in the Titanium Ltd case (C-93 ...

FS Tax Newsletter | January 2020

January 7, 2020
Last year our first FS Tax Newsletter for 2019 discussed the CJEU judgment rendered in the Morgan Stanley case, concerning the right of a branch to recover input VAT if it (partially) provides support ...

Tax accounting considerations - 2020 Tax Plan

December 19, 2019
On December 17, 2019, the 2020 Tax Plan package has been accepted by the Dutch Senate and therefore substantively enacted under IFRS. Many of the proposed measures will take effect on January ...

Upper House adopts 2020 Tax Plan package and bills on ATAD2 and DAC6

December 18, 2019
Along with the adoption of the 2020 Tax Plan package and the bills on the implementation of ATAD2 and DAC6, the Upper House also adopted several motions.

KPMG submission on ‘Pillar One’ approach to address digital economy tax issues

November 13, 2019
This week KPMG submitted its comments to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) consultation with regard to the unified approach under Pillar One.

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