The COVID-19 virus is spreading in the Netherlands. We attach great importance to the health and well-being of our colleagues and their families, customers and business associates. Preventing infection with the COVID-19 virus therefore has our top priority. A specialist team within Meijburg is therefore following the situation and anticipating possible future scenarios. We are following the guidelines of trusted sources, such as the WHO and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu; RIVM). Based on this, Meijburg has taken various measures to prevent possible infection with the COVID-19 virus.
This page provides information about these measures coronavirus COVID-19 in general. Some of these measures may also affect you. We ask for your understanding in this respect.
- In accordance with RIVM guidelines, we have asked our employees to work from home if possible. Our offices remain open, however.
Appointments, meetings and events
- Meetings and events are, irrespective of the number of participants, in accordance with RIVM guidelines not allowed. Based on this, it has been decided to relocate a number of meetings or have them take place in another manner (for example, via Microsoft Teams). See the overview of seminars and training programs for their current status.
- We have asked our employees to hold appointments and meetings by telephone or video conference.
- Meijburg employees are not permitted to participate in large events or conferences,
- Meijburg employees are not permitted to visit international conferences or meetings.
Visitor policy
- When you visit our office, upon arrival you will be asked to complete and sign a visitor’s form in which you state that you have no flu symptoms, have not been in contact with an infected person or have not visited a high-risk area.
- If you are unable to sign the form, you are not permitted to enter Meijburg’s offices.
Travel abroad
- In order to minimize the risk of infection, our employees are not permitted to travel to high-risk areas for work-related activities.
- We have strongly advised our employees against traveling to high-risk areas for other activities, such as holidays. This will ensure that you and others are kept safe and healthy and will protect the continuity of our business.
- Should an employee nevertheless decide otherwise, for whatever reason, they must self-isolate for two weeks.
(Possible) infection
If you have visited our office or been in contact with one of our employees and an infection is detected at your office, please inform us about this as soon as possible. With this information we can accurately and promptly inform our employees.
If one of our colleagues reports to us because they suspect they are infected with the coronavirus, we act entirely in accordance with advice from the Joint Health Service (Gemeenschappelijke Gezondheidsdienst; GGD), the RIVM and our own occupational health and safety agency (arbodienst). We will of course also inform you immediately if this employee has had recent contact with you or someone from your organization.
Do you have any questions about this alert or would you like additional information concerning Meijburgs measures coronavirus COVID-19? Then please contact your designated contact at KPMG Meijburg & Co.
We are following further developments on a daily basis with our policy team and the Managing Board and will keep you informed of any changes should there be reason to do so.
For more information about the COVID-19 virus, please visit the sites of the RIVM or WHO.