Eefje Lemmens

Eefje is a Transfer Pricing Director with KPMG Meijburg & Co. As a transfer pricing specialist with 12 years of experience, she provides transfer pricing-related advisory services to multinational corporations, active in industries such as retail and consumer goods, energy and technology. Having been seconded to Germany, she has worked with German-based clients, or Dutch companies active in, or planning to expand to, Germany.

Eefje’s experience includes advising on transfer pricing-related implications of business restructurings, assisting in discussions with tax authorities (be it on Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) discussions or resolving disputes through e.g., Mutual Agreement Procedures or unilateral adjustments), advising on audit readiness, preparing transfer pricing documentation, including functional and financial analyses, in line with Dutch, European or global requirements, reviewing licensing agreements including royalty benchmarking, and analyzing exit or conversion issues.

Eefje has a masters degree in Dutch Law (LLM) as well as Fiscal Law (MSc).


  • Transfer Pricing

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