Corporate Clients

Public companies and multinationals are faced with all sorts of challenges. Not only in the area of domestic and international taxation, but also where, for example, their reputation with regard to corporate social responsibility is concerned. Our specialist Dutch Corporate Clients professionals are here to assist you in all areas.

Contact us

A comprehensive approach for public companies and multinationals

As a public company or a multinational, it is a complicated matter to be knowledgeable about all the complex tax regulations. KPMG Meijburg & Co’s specialists have a thorough understanding of the tax landscape and legislation for corporate clients. By being proactive, we can support you in the best possible manner.

To achieve this, a comprehensive approach is required. This involves taking the time to properly understand the way your business operates. Naturally, we have a global focus, which means that you have access to the knowledge and experience of the other country practises in KPMG’s international network, covering all areas of relevant tax expertise.

Need advice?

Need help with the tax aspects of a large company? The specialists at Meijburg & Co provide tax advice for multinationals and publicly traded companies. Together, we develop high-quality solutions that meet business needs. Our specialized Meijburg Dutch Corporate Clients Team looks forward to meeting you.

Technological solutions

However, our services go further than this. Our experts also use a broad range of leading technologies, as you can view here, on our exclusive tax technology platform. We offer solutions in many fields, providing added value to your company. With the aid of these technologies, you can benefit from:

  • Streamlined processes
  • Improved accounting
  • Simplified data administration
  • More effective cooperation

More than simply tax advice for public companies and multinationals

Apart from our comprehensive approach and our technological solutions, we also have other services to offer you. For big companies, tax advice alone is not sufficient. Day in, day out, your listed or multinational company faces intense public scrutiny. That’s why our professionals can also attend to the following matters on your behalf:

  • Reputation
  • Strategy
  • Transparency
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

Each of these themes are discussed in the media on a daily basis. They influence the functioning of government agencies, tax authorities and society as a whole.

Need tax advice for Dutch corporate clients?

Do you require assistance with the technical aspects of your large company’s tax affairs? KPMG Meijburg & Co’s specialists can provide you with specialised tax advice for public companies and multinationals. Together with you, we will develop high value solutions that meet the needs of your business. KPMG Meijburg’s specialist Dutch Corporate Clients team is looking forward to making your acquaintance.

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Upcoming events


Seminar - Pillar 2 update seminar


Roundtable - Round table on Eu and US Export Controls

© 2025 Meijburg & Co is a partnership of limited liability companies under Dutch law, is registered in the Trade Register under number 53753348
and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
All rights reserved.