Data-analysis and statistical sampling

Being in control of customs processes via data analysis and statistical sampling

As a cross-border entrepreneur you would like to be in control of customs matters. The Customs authorities also require this of companies and regularly monitor this. One of the ways they do so is by performing a statistical sample. To be certain that your business processes are in order, you can opt to self-assess your customs administration and customs transactions filed by yourself or on your behalf.

Data analysis and statistical audit as solutions for an (internal) audit

A data analysis and statistical sampling are ideally suited as solutions for performing an (internal) audit and as part of your Customs Control Framework (CCF). Data analysis and statistical sampling can be used preventively, both for technical customs purposes and for assessing the quality of customs processes and (internal) control measures. Performing a data analysis and statistical sampling enables you to determine the accuracy of a larger population. By using statistical sampling preventively as a periodic or incidental assessment and evaluating it as part of your Customs Control Framework, you retain control of your customs position and processes.

How can we help?

Continuously assessing your customs position

We can assist you throughout the entire process of continuously assessing your customs position. A data analysis and/or a statistical sample can be used as a solutionl for assessing this. The support we can provide ranges from assistance with a single element through to the entire analysis process, from scoping through to the final substantive Customs assessments, if necessary in consultation with the Customs authorities.

The statistical sample or critical test can be used for each (Customs) procedure or for a specific purpose. Some examples are:

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Senior Manager hendriksen.rene [at] Eindhoven

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