Income tax

The payroll taxes landscape has undergone major changes in recent years.  Employers and employees have embraced remote working and flexible employment contracts are here to stay. The same applies to the trend of making employment contracts 'green’ in order to realize ESG goals. This can be quite challenging for employers. These aspects must be taken into account when withholding and remitting payroll tax and social security contributions, both in the Netherlands and in other countries.


Changes to legislation and regulations, the deployment of self-employed persons or a payroll tax audit by the Dutch tax authorities are important points to consider for your payroll records. And the work-related costs rules are still proving difficult to put into practice. How can employees comply with all the applicable regulations while at the same time making the best use of their processes?

How can we help?

Our specialists would be pleased to help you with any problems you may be experiencing with payroll tax and social security contributions. We can help employers with all aspects of payroll tax and social security. The following are some of the things we can help you with:

  • how to budget for employer expenses, planning and coordination with the tax authorities
  • how to apply and monitor the work-related costs rules
  • how to organize your payroll records and the monthly processing of those records
  • preliminary consultation with the Dutch tax authorities
  • audits
  • how to prepare notices of objection and assist you in disputes with the tax authorities
  • how to set up and monitor fixed expense allowance schemes
  • advice on the tax consequences of amended or new pension plans
  • how to limit the risks of recipients’ liability and vicarious liability
  • how to set up and carry out a data analysis and random sampling to give you an up-to-date picture of your payroll tax position
  • how to set up and monitor a Tax Control Framework (TCF)
  • how to keep payroll records.

What can you expect from us?

  • in-depth knowledge of the legislation for the various sectors: we closely monitor the ever-changing regulations so that you always receive the best advice;
  • employer best practices: we share the best strategies and practices with you so that you can make the most of a proven approach;
  • experience with complex processes: we can help you set up efficient systems (TCF) and procedures so that managing your payroll taxes obligations runs smoothly;
  • practical advice: we can provide you with specific guidelines and solutions that you can apply straightaway.

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