Income tax

As an employer, there are various aspects involved in the withholding and payment of payroll taxes and social security contributions, both in the Netherlands and in other countries. Changes in legislation and regulations, the use of self-employed persons or a payroll tax audit by the Tax Authorities may play a role. Our Tax and Legal specialists are ready to support these matters.


Our knowledge and expertise covers a wide range of matters. We would therefore be happy to help you with, for example:

  • the application of international tax and social security treaties
  • the determination of residency status, the allocation of the power to tax and avoidance of double taxation in cross-border situations
  • providing you with advice on budgeting employer expenses, planning and coordination with tax authorities
  • the application of the work-related costs rules
  • the organization and monthly processing of your payroll records
  • payroll tax audits
  • disputes with the tax authorities
  • the screening of fixed expense allowances
  • limiting the risks of recipients’ liability and vicarious liability
  • data analysis and random sampling to give you an up-to-date picture of your payroll tax position.

Links & Downloads

Need advice?


Meeting - Dutch Base: for non-Dutch in tax


Seminar - KPMG Meijburg & Co Transfer Pricing Seminar 2024

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and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
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