Tax Controversy & Litigation

Tax dispute resolution is a complex area that requires close cooperation between different knowledge domains. In addition to procedural law expertise, in-depth knowledge of substantive law is essential. We understand that the key to success lies in this multidisciplinary approach.

Contact team

Our team of specialists has extensive experience with and in-depth knowledge of both the procedural and substantive aspects of tax law. We work with our own personal income tax, corporate income tax, transfer pricing, VAT and Customs specialists in order to ensure that when it comes to litigation we have the right facts and substantive arguments at hand.  In consultation with our client, we thus choose the most appropriate approach to take in tax disputes.


We are well-prepared for resolving complex issues involving transfer pricing, hidden permanent establishments. and other aspects with international tax implications. In order to offer you the best possible support, we join forces with 450 KPMG professionals from our global network across 88 countries.

Legal and protecting your rights

That lawyers play a crucial role in tax disputes is beyond question. Therefore, our team is not only made up of experienced tax professionals but also of lawyers. We offer a multidisciplinary approach, international cooperation and expertise where tax law intersects with criminal law, making us your partner of choice in tax disputes.

Need advice?

As market leader in this area with a global network of tax advisors and lawyers, we know exactly how best to help you. We focus on the main issue and the long-term relationship with local authorities, so that you can focus on your company’s day-to-day activities. Feel free to contact our specialists for more information and/or if you would like to arrange a (virtual) meeting.

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© 2024 Meijburg & Co is a partnership of limited liability companies under Dutch law, is registered in the Trade Register under number 53753348
and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
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